Daily Attitude eMail 10.8.12

When I think of attitude, I can’t help but think of Napoleon Hill’s statement that “thoughts are things”.

Our thoughts are important. Our thoughts determine our feelings and our feelings influence our actions (Allport, 1985; Sorrentino & Higgins, 1986). Since our actions are how we engage the world around us we can see that our thoughts are important to putting smiles on faces.

Research in phycology suggests how our minds work:
• our minds can only hold a limited number of thoughts
• these thoughts can be categorized as either positive or negative
• positive and negative thoughts do not cohabitate well. In fact,
• negative thoughts breed more negative thoughts and
• positive thoughts breed more positive thoughts.

Think about how all these findings work together… Because our minds can only hold a limited number of thoughts and because of the way those thoughts interact (they multiply and compete for the state of the mind), our minds are either in a positive state or a negative state depending on our thoughts.

In putting smiles on faces it’s important that we do not let negative thoughts multiply and enslave our frame of mind. Instead we must identify negative thoughts quickly through reflection and combat them with positive thoughts, which will multiple, push out the negative thoughts, and reclaim a positive state of mind.

The first step is being aware of our thoughts and identifying them as positive or negative. It’s important to understand that not every disappointing thought is negative; rather the light in which it is viewed well determine its state. In getting past the vague fancy talk I’m not saying that we should push out the thought “If we touch the hot stove it will burn us”, while it’s disappointing – it’s a fact. To help you be aware of your thoughts remember the process: thoughts determine feelings and feelings influence actions. The trick is to catch negative thoughts before they turn into negative feelings and certainly before they turn into negative actions. So if you’re feeling a bit crummy or if you’re being a big jerk face, know it’s probably because your mind is in a negative frame due to a bunch of negative thoughts.

The second step is reclaiming your frame of mind to a positive state. The solution is simple in theory – start thinking positive thoughts, but we all know that’s easier said than done when we have our grumpy pants on. This might sound cliché but it’s a practice that works and has stood the test of time: to reclaim a positive state of mind count your blessings, if that doesn’t work look to the news for some perspective on how blessed you are, if that doesn’t work serve someone who is less fortunate than you. Maintaining a positive attitude takes commitment and it’s not always easy, but it’s in our control.

If this were a blog I ask a bunch of questions – but it’s not, so I won’t.

In the words of Mr. Jake “make it a great day”

Thanks for listening/reading 🙂

Michael Somers

Mavidea Technology Group

Putting Smiles on Faces (one thought at a time)



Office: 309-829-2000 x112

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